Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Axeman Speaks 5-6-09

The opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock, the Webmaster, or anyone else connected with this site. They are mine, and mine alone. If you agree with me, OK, and if you don’t agree, oh well.... I am sure BT will not agree with this!

OK, boys & girls, this column will be short and to the point.

I just finished reading BT's comments about Mississippi wrestling, and in particular, the recent DARE benefit show in Thrasher, MS. I have this to say in response:

Several weeks ago BT asked me to help him arrange to come to an EPW show to sell his Yearbook 2008. I contacted the EPW Promoter, Edith Poole, and it was arranged for BT to come to EPW and sell the book at the D.A.R.E. benefit show in Thrasher, anmd at EPW the following night. I do not know how many books BT sold at the Thrasher show. He must not have sold many, however, because BT seems real pissed.

BT had this to say: "My last visit to Mississippi had me coming back posting about psychology and how wrestling in Mississippi is worse than wrestling in Tennessee. I will go on record right here and say, wrestling in Tennessee and Arkansas is 10 TIMES BETTER!!! “Hollywood” Jimmy on his radio appearance on “Shooting the Shiznit” stated he felt wrestling in Mississippi was just as good. I think maybe Jimmy was having to babyface, because after one show I have to say “Horseshit” and totally disagree with that point. I am not sure what it is – it really doesn’t matter what MS promotion it is – there are only small set of guys in the whole state that know how to work."

If BT does not like wrestling in Mississippi, he should stay in Missouri; or, if he likes wrestling in Tennessee or Arkansas better, then by all means he should go to those shows. Since BT hates wrestling in Mississippi so much, he should NOT COME BACK. Period.

Now, I will say that I was not at the Thrasher show. I did not see any of it. I have heard, however, many positive comments about the show. In fact, BT's comments were the only negative comments I have come across about the Thrasher show. The crowd was entertained and a lot of money was raised for D.A.R.E. What's wrong with that? BT seems to conveniently overlook those facts.

BT is entitled to his opinions. He has the right to post them. But I have the right to take exception to his remarks. There is some good wrestling in Mississippi. Is there room for improvement? You bet. Just like there is room for improvement in Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, and for darn sure Missouri, where wrestling shows seem to be rare occurrances.

BT ends his comments by saying, "I was supposed to be at the EPW show on Saturday night, but with wrestling being so bad and the kids encouraging me to go to a mall, I opted out to head back to Missouri." By all means, he should go to a mall - ANY mall - or anywhere else for that matter - a rodeo, a movie, an all you can eat buffet, a massage parlor - to be entertained - since he thinks wrestling is so bad down here. Or better yet, maybe he should come down here, open up a promotion, and show us how it should be done. In other words, maybe BT should put up or shut up. At least there are people around here trying, week after week, to entertain the crowds and put on good shows in Mississippi. Do we always get it right? Nope. But neither does BT.

The Axeman has spoken.

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